1927 Map of Niagara Falls
Part of the Digital Collections of the New York Heritage website is a Map of Niagara Falls and Vicinity made by the Niagara Falls Power Company in 1927. This map…
Part of the Digital Collections of the New York Heritage website is a Map of Niagara Falls and Vicinity made by the Niagara Falls Power Company in 1927. This map…
The following is the start of creating a Digital Guide to Newspapers Published in Lockport and their availability. If you know of resources to add to this, please contact Jeanette…
This webinar, shared by the Allen County Public Library, was given by Chelsea Johnson: https://youtu.be/G0vtwzpaN88
SEITZ & CO.,UNDERTAKERS. A LARGE STOCK OF Coffins and CasketsON HAND. We sell 10 to 15 per cent. cheaper than any dealer in the county, as we pay no commission.…
NCGS January 2022 Program Title: "Who Needed It Anyway? Getting Around The Missing 1890 Census"Presenter: Sara Cochran Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 7:00pm EasternZoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIscO2urTwrGdf1PTEcFvOd5s0Bb2D_PTCx Open to the…
On 11 January 2022, FindAGrave.com announced that they are going to limit the information that is accessible for memorials for the recently deceased for three months afterwards and allow for…
Since the beginning of my own genealogy journey, I’m often asked why it matters where our ancestors came from, what wars they fought, how they lived or where their tombstones…
This story was found in the Niagara Falls Gazette on 7 November 1929: NORTH TONAWANDA, Nov, 7.-Giuseppe Gardino, 54 of 154 Thompson street, trackwalker in the employ of the New…
Volunteer Librarians Needed: We are looking for local members that would be interested in becoming a volunteer librarian at our library. You would be trained and would not have to…
https://youtu.be/4quA9WiAPbQ To learn more about Amy Johnson Crow, you can visit her website here: https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/.